Be Part of Our Orangutan Rescue Team

Mabel was stolen from the jungle and thrown behind bars. She became yet another victim of the illegal pet trade. Traumatised, malnourished, and sick, Mabel lay curled up in pain on the floor of her birdcage prison. 

If Mabel hadn't been rescued from her nightmare, her emotional and physical suffering would have continued. She would not have received the medical care she urgently needed. Worse still, she may not have survived. That's why rescue operations like Mabel's are so important.

And our next rescue mission could be possible because of you! 

Please donate today to be part of our rescue team, so orangutans like Mabel don't have to face a life behind bars - or worse.

Your gift will help provide trained rescue staff, medical supplies, and transportation costs for our rescue teams in Borneo and Sumatra.

Because of you, more illegally held, displaced, and at-risk orangutans can be rescued, and begin their journey toward a better future. 

Thank you for supporting the urgent rescue of Critically Endangered orangutans.

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